Do you believe that Mr. Potts’s behavior reflects a Substance Use Disorder according to the DSM-V?

Do you believe that Mr. Potts’s behavior reflects a Substance Use Disorder according to the DSM-V?

As a new probation officer, you are not familiar with alcohol-related issues. You discuss this case with your supervisor at your weekly supervision session and explain what the court has asked for.

Your supervisor, Probation Officer Rexford, asks you to submit him a report, which will include citations, outlining the following:

In what way is Mr. Potts’s usage of alcohol considered abuse?

Do you believe that Mr. Potts’s behavior reflects a Substance Use Disorder according to the DSM-V?

How much of a role do you believe inheritance plays in alcohol abuse?

If inheritance plays a significant role in Mr. Potts’s alcoholism, how much responsibility does Mr. Potts have for his actions?

Answer preview Do you believe that Mr. Potts’s behavior reflects a Substance Use Disorder according to the DSM-V?

Do you believe that Mr. Potts's behavior reflects a Substance Use Disorder according to the DSM-V?


570 words