Were the Bush tax cuts a good idea

Were the Bush tax cuts a good idea

Were the Bush tax cuts a good idea?

For support of the Bush administration tax cuts go to the Heritage Foundation, at http://www.heritage.org/Research/Taxes/index.cfm.

Also look at http://www.heritage.org/Research/Commentary/2010/07/The-Bush-Tax-Cuts-and-the-Deficit-Myth?query=The+Bush+Tax+Cuts+and+the+Deficit+Myth.

For criticism of the Bush administration tax cuts go to the Citizens for Tax Justice, a think tank whose mission is to “give ordinary people a greater voice in the development of tax laws against the armies of special interest lobbyists for corporations and the wealthy” at http://www.ctj.org/. Pay special attention to:http://ctj.org/pdf/bushtaxcuts2013to2022.pdf

Another site: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/carl-gibson/bush-tax-cuts-will-americ_b_872898.html

1.  Identify two strong arguments in favor (or against) the tax cuts. Fill in on these FOUR arguments.

Arguments in favor of the tax cut

Source Summary of the argument

Arguments against the tax cut

Source Summary of the argument

Answer preview Were the Bush tax cuts a good ideaWere the Bush tax cuts a good idea


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