You are now familiar with Trifles. Recently, you have been asked to direct that play. You are preparing for your first meeting and script reading with the actors.

You are now familiar with Trifles. Recently, you have been asked to direct that play. You are preparing for your first meeting and script reading with the actors.

You are now familiar with Trifles. Recently, you have been asked to direct that play. You are preparing for your first meeting and script reading with the actors. What will you tell them about your approach to the play? What is your concept of the play? How would you, as director, use images to help realize your concept? Think about the important symbols: the quilts, the rope, the bird and the birdcage, for example. To give you some ideas about how a director prepares or an actor prepares, consider our readings but also consider watching a YouTube video found when searching “Inside the Actor’s Studio.” Choose a director or actor whose work you enjoy.

Answer preview You are now familiar with Trifles. Recently, you have been asked to direct that play. You are preparing for your first meeting and script reading with the actors.

You are now familiar with Trifles. Recently, you have been asked to direct that play. You are preparing for your first meeting and script


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