Do you believe that public accounting firms could be influenced by profit motives and this could compromise their independence?

Do you believe that public accounting firms could be influenced by profit motives and this could compromise their independence?

Audits are performed for companies by public accounting firms who are paid by the client; gaining the firm a profit. Within the business community, some believe that the profit motive (i.e., audit fees, other allowable non-audit services provided by the audit firm) compromises their ability to be “independent”. This is why some propose the audit function should be performed by a government agency instead of public accounting firms.

Do you believe that public accounting firms could be influenced by profit motives and this could compromise their independence? If yes, what other options (other than governmental involvement) might correct such bias? What changes would this option bring? If not, what is your argument for keeping audits with public accounting firms the same way they are performed today?

Your document should be 350-500 words with APA style writing.

Answer preview Do you believe that public accounting firms could be influenced by profit motives and this could compromise their independence?

Do you believe that public accounting firms could be influenced by profit motives and this could compromise their independence?


426 words