discusstion post week 5

For this activity I want you to listen to a piece of music, but I want you to approach it with a clean slate. DO NOT look up the composer or the piece of music or any background information! (I know, bummer right?)

First, listen to this entire piece of music. It’s only 10 minutes long and I think you’re going to enjoy it!

For your initial post:

  1. 1. Write a detailed, fictional story that goes along with the music as you heard it. Be as creative as possible! 
  3. 2. Identify a musical element that strongly influenced the story you created. Discuss how that musical element is used in the music. Give at least one example with a minute marker from the YouTube link provided.
  4. 3. Optional but awesome: Include an elaborate illustration to accompany your story. You may use crayons, pencils, pens, markers, paint, or any medium of your choosing. (Some students have used the Notes app on their iPad.) Attach a photo of your drawing to your initial post. 

Respond thoughtfully to your peers. In your responses: How was your interpretation of the music the same or different from other students’ interpretations?