Discussion Board 3 Case Discussion Board Paper Ap

Discussion Board 3 Case Discussion Board Paper Ap

Here are Books to use for these paper topic

Braunstein, M. L. (2014). Contemporary health informatics. Chicago, IL: American Health Information Management Association. ISBN: 9781584260318.

Nelson, R., & Staggers, N. (2018). Health informatics: An interprofessional approach (2nd ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. ISBN: 9780323402316.

American Psychological Association. Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (Current ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Discussion Board 1

Topic: Health Informatics, Theoretical Foundations, and Practice Evolution

Discuss how health informatics evolved from being a concept to
becoming a discipline or specialty. Emphasize the importance of the
formation of professional organizations and educational programs in
advancing health informatics as a field. As you begin to conduct
research, explore (and cite in your discussion) an early journal article
or excerpt from a seminal book on the topic of health informatics. If
applicable, how has informatics evolved since then?

Discussion Board 2

Case Study Discussion Board Forum 1 (Module 2)

Topic: Privacy, Confidentiality, and Security

The State HIE Cooperative Agreement Program grantees are required
to monitor and track statewide implementation, adoption, and
transactions of exchange mechanisms that they implement directly or
enable through funding, technical assistance, marketplaces, etc. to
support the meaningful use of health information technology. Research
the current state of HIE across the United States through the State HIE Program Measures Dashboard
and provide a response summarizing your findings related to your state
of residence. Provide a summary of your findings and any insights you
have gained in the review of the information.

Discussion Board 3

Case Study Discussion Board Forum 2 (Module 3)

Topic: Governance, Compliance, and Health Policy

Visit the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) website and read the article “The Impact of Health Literacy on a Patient’s Decision to Adopt a Personal Health Record.” Provide a summary of your findings and any insights you have gained in the review of the information.

Discussion Board 4

Forum 2 (Module 4)

Topic: The Use of Information Systems in the Delivery of Healthcare

Identify stakeholders that would be involved in the selection of a
health IT system. After establishing this list, make a subsection list
of the goals and interests of each group: Are they primarily clinical?
Financial? Operational? Next, review your peers’ lists and offer
feedback regarding the stakeholders noted and the related goals and
interests they have addressed.

Discussion Board 5

Case Study Discussion Board Forum 3 (Module 5)

Topic: ePatient, Social Networking, and Personal Health Record

Research what federal and state collaboration efforts (if any)
exist for the state in which you live and/or practice. Does your state
currently participate in Health Information Security and Privacy
Collaboration (HISPC)? If not, are there plans to become involved in
this partnership? Finally, why is this collaboration important?
Information should be available through your state’s Department of
Health or at the HealthIT.gov page on HISPC.

Discussion Board 6

Forum 3 (Module 6)

Topic: ePatient, Social Networking, and Personal Health Record

Although health IT governance is a relatively “new” concept, the
demands for this expertise are vast and the needs are immediate.
Healthcare reform is one example. How is health IT governance being used
to ensure that the requirements of the Affordable Care Act are being
met, implemented, monitored, and maintained?

Discussion Board 7

Forum 4 (Module 7)

Topic: Selection, Implementation, and Delivery

A major obstacle to the global adoption, expansion, and progress
of eHealth is the lack of available healthcare workers trained in
informatics and adequately prepared to work in this growing field. What
unique skill set(s) are needed to work in this evolving discipline? What
obstacles present themselves as informatics expands globally (e.g.,
education/language barriers, differences in terminology, legal issues,
access to technology, regulatory policies, etc.)? How might these
challenges be overcome?

Discussion Board 8

Case Study Discussion Board Forum 4 (Module 8)

Topic: Information Age, Future, and Big Data

Read and provide a response to 1 of the following reports (summarize the findings and include your own insights/thoughts):