Write a Descriptive Paragraph
Evergreen Chapters 1 & 2.
Evergreen Chapters 1 & 2.
REFERRING PARTICULARLY to Evergreen pages 17-19, describe a family dinner
(yours, or a friends), which reveals elements of that familys culture. Your
writing must be vivid, to evoke an experience of each of our commonly-known 5
senses–smell, touch, hearing, sight and taste.
It is not enough to simply mention a sense, for example by saying the taste was
wonderful. What does wonderful mean? Nothing much. A good example
might be the wine was like acid on our tongues or the wine tasted as sweet as a
ripe cherry.
(yours, or a friends), which reveals elements of that familys culture. Your
writing must be vivid, to evoke an experience of each of our commonly-known 5
senses–smell, touch, hearing, sight and taste.
It is not enough to simply mention a sense, for example by saying the taste was
wonderful. What does wonderful mean? Nothing much. A good example
might be the wine was like acid on our tongues or the wine tasted as sweet as a
ripe cherry.
In your paper, provide at least 2 examples of each sense.
FISH CHEEKS is a good model for your own writing, but you need not write a
story or an essay. Writing a narrative is not even desirable if it leads you into
believing that its necessary and is sufficient. Writing description is all thats
FISH CHEEKS is a good model for your own writing, but you need not write a
story or an essay. Writing a narrative is not even desirable if it leads you into
believing that its necessary and is sufficient. Writing description is all thats
required. A scene, whether it be a family dinner, or something else, can be
described without telling a story.
Your paragraph must be 18-20 lines long. Less will not be accepted.
described without telling a story.
Your paragraph must be 18-20 lines long. Less will not be accepted.
TO GENERATE IDEAS. Write your ideas on paper, preferably. Remember that
each item you jot down must involve one or more of the 5 senses.
TO GENERATE IDEAS. Write your ideas on paper, preferably. Remember that
each item you jot down must involve one or more of the 5 senses.
AFTER WRITING your paragraph, skip a few lines and add your
freewriting/brainstorming, so I can evaluate how well youve used the process.
freewriting/brainstorming, so I can evaluate how well youve used the process.