critical evaluation of case study: In an organisation of your choice, develop a case study centred on one of the topics covered in the module and analyse the case using appropriate theories/concepts/perspectives.

PLEASE  read and review carefully , mistakes are not acceptable in this work , it is very simple just abide by the instructions CAREFULLY , and read before bidding , the pictures we took on the lecture don’t know if they will help , the 2 PDF  has everything required 

A critical evaluation of case study: In an organisation of your choice, develop a case study centred on one of the topics covered in the module and analyse the case using appropriate theories/concepts/perspectives.

The topic should be addressed in a 4,000-word structured essay.
The answer should be based on:
(a) The concepts and ideas presented in the core required readings and the lectures,
(b) The concepts and ideas contained in the additional readings suggested for the module,
(c) The concepts and ideas contained in any other additional sources (namely, academic journal articles, books, or book chapters) that you deem relevant for the chosen topic.
COVER PAGE: See coursework style guide
This section provides the positioning for your essay (scope and objectives, nature of the problem). It should include an introduction to the overall theme of your paper as well as a rationale for your chosen topic (why is it relevant, interesting, etc.?)
Provide a review of the literature relevant to your chosen topic(s). If appropriate extend the literature review into a theoretical framework that will guide case study analysis.
SECTION THREE: CASE STUDY (about 1000 words)
Select one or more companies for which your chosen problem area might be relevant. The case study should rely on secondary data that you can collect from a variety of sources. These include primarily (but not exclusively) business newspapers/magazines such as The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, The Economist, Business Week, etc. Alternatively, you can search short business articles on the Internet (e.g. BBC, CNN, etc.).
SECTION FOUR: DISCUSSION (about 1000 words)
Apply the theoretical concepts reviewed in the literature to the analysis and interpretation of the case study.
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SECTION FIVE: CONCLUSION (about 250 words)
Summarise the key points of your essay and briefly discuss the main theoretical and practical implications of your findings. Highlight the main contributions of your study.
REFERENCES: (Not included in the word count)
A full reference list of all the sources cited in the body of your assignment, formatted in the Harvard Style.
Key Assessment Criteria
Knowledge of the subject matter, including:
(a) Good understanding of the concepts and ideas introduced in the module and presented in the materials used in the preparation of the coursework.
(b) Ability to integrate the different topics and theoretical concepts covered in the course.
(c) Demonstrated ability to correctly apply theoretical concepts to business practice.
Organization, logical clarity in presenting the arguments and justifying the statements made, consistency, and completeness.
Quality and originality of ideas (in contrast to regurgitation).
Critical reflection (the ability to see both the advantages and the limitations of a particular viewpoint).
Proper citation of the literature.
Formatting requirements for the individual assignment
Students should prepare and submit their coursework assessments in the following format:
Font: Times New Roman (12 point)
Spacing: 1.5 spaced
Margins: Normal (2.5cm)
Referencing: Harvard citation style