Creating Short Term Winsconsolidating Largescale

Creating Short Term Winsconsolidating Largescale


Please find attached the Grading Rubric for your first paper, “WSSC Transformation Analysis”. Please take note of:

Your paper must not be less than 14 pages excluding the Cover Page and
References; 1.5 line spacing, Calibri font (Details in the attachment)

the sections that I will grade your paper on (Introduction: Grabbing
the Reader, Part I: Setting the Stage, Part II: Assessing the Management
of Large Scale Change at WSSC, and Conclusion: Bring it all together

(3) the percentage of the total for each section as follows.



Grabbing the Reader

the very beginning of the paper you want to grab the reader.In a brief
but compelling way what are you going to present in the paper? How will
the paper be organized and what are you attempting to communicate about
the WSSC transformation? Your goal is to encourage the reader to
continue reading.

Part 1


Setting The Stage

  • The history of WSSC: Include an overview, governance, the external shock
  • WSSC as a Service Operation:Include
    in your discussion their strategic position in the market, their
    service design, their operations design and their culture
  • WSSC Vision for the Future: Include in your discussion their operations, organizational structure and culture

Part 2


Assessing the Management of Large Scale Change at WSSC

  • Introduction to Change
  • Kotter’s
    Steps (model): For each step, explain what WSSC has done consistent
    with that step. Identify how far they have moved through the steps, and
    make broad recommendations about actions they should take to complete
    the any remaining steps

    • Creating a sense of urgency
    • Forming a powerful guiding coalition
    • Creating a vision
    • Communicating the vision
    • Empowering others to act on the vision
    • Planning for and creating short term wins
    • Consolidating improvements and producing still more change
    • Institutionalizing new approaches



Bring it all together

How excellent and outstanding your answer must be?

insightful work. Goes beyond requirements of the task to develop a
response, which is thoughtful, reflective, considers alternative views
and makes connections among ideas and information from different sources
or from different aspects of the course. Well researched and documented
(if research is part of assignment). Displays creativity and