Compose a two-page single spaced memorandum addressed to Dr. Alorbi (approximately 8 paragraphs: 1 introduction; 3 oral communication; 3 written communication; 1 conclusion) where you discuss three weaknesses in your oral and three weaknesses in your wri

Compose a two-page single spaced memorandum addressed to Dr. Alorbi (approximately 8 paragraphs: 1 introduction; 3 oral communication; 3 written communication; 1 conclusion) where you discuss three weaknesses in your oral and three weaknesses in your written communication.

Each oral communication weakness will be discussed in its own paragraph. After you identify each oral communication weakness, you are to state what actions you will now take to be effective in your oral communication citing three web sites in APA format (6th edition or later). So, to summarize, the identified weakness, the correction for the weakness and any source citation goes in the paragraph where you discuss that particular weakness.
In addition, you are to identify three weaknesses in writing in three separate paragraphs. If you have identified grammatical errors, you must reference the specific goof from a book (e.g. from Manhard text). You must cite three APA (6th edition or later edition) online or text books resources to identify grammar and writing errors in your report.
In the three paragraphs where you discuss your written communication weaknesses, you are to give one example of how you would correct the error. You may also use other internet resources other than the ones mentioned below to assist you in identifying your writing errors.
In the concluding paragraph, summarize your oral and written communication weaknesses and state what you have learned from the assignment. Tell me how you will remind yourself to use these new communication practices you learned at school and work.
Spelling, grammar, word choice, sentence construction (15-20 word sentence maximum), paragraph construction (3 sentence paragraph maximum), transitions, formatting, and coherence count in the assessment of your final grade on this assignment. Please proofread your work. I will return documents with spelling or blatant grammar errors.
Manhard, S. J. (1998). The goof-proofer: How to Avoid the 41 most embarrassing errors
in your speaking and writing. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster.
Verbal recommendations:
Vocal Variety:
Word Choice:
English words from Latin and Greek Elements
If you want to learn how to spell, this text is the best available key for cracking the code behind the English vocabulary.
Ayers, D. M. (1986). English words from Latin and Greek elements. (2nd ed.). Tucson,
AZ: The University of Arizona Press.
Bove and Thill Text Book Resources:
You must cite one web site or print source in APA format which would assist you in learning about one specific written communication weakness.
APA Resources: How to cite electronic sources