Communication (W5), Business (W8)

Part 1: Communication (W5) (150 words)

1.     After watching the "5 Love Languages" video in the Lesson 6 folder (  and taking the 5 Love Languages profile assessment (My result: Please click on this link to see my result ) reflect on these ideas and your results. Do you agree with your results? Put your primary love language in bold font or underline it for full credit. How has the concept of love languages specifically impacted your relationships? Give at least one specific example. 

2.     Consider the section "Successful Friendships." In this section, you’ll see a list of common expectations in friendships like "share joys and sorrows" and "lend a helping hand." Give us an example of a failed friendship or damaged friendship you’ve experienced that you believe suffered because one or both friends failed to meet one or more of these common expectations. Dig deep here…what do you wish would’ve happened?


Part 2: Business (W8) (125 words)


1.     Download and complete the “Entrepreneurial Self-Assessment Survey” that your instructor has provided (You can download the .docx file for the Entrepreneurial Self-Assessment Survey here). When completing this survey, remember that there is no right or wrong answer, and you should be as honest in your responses as possible. Once you have completed the survey, score your results using the scale found on the last page of the survey. You will need your score in order to complete the discussion assignment.

2.     Once you have completed and scored your Entrepreneurial Self-Assessment Survey, when making your initial post, begin your post with something like this: “I scored 44 and self-employment may not be an appropriate career for me.”

For Discussion

  1. Were you surprised by the results of your self-assessment? In other words, did you regard yourself as more or less of an entrepreneur than the survey indicated?
  2. Of the entrepreneur characteristics measured in this assessment, which do you believe is the most important and why?
  3. What do you believe the outcome would be if someone took this assessment and scored very low, but ignored the results and opened a business anyway?