read over case study attached
- Introduction: Briefly describe the client and what you will be doing in this paper (1-2 paragraphs).
- Application of Person-in-Environment Approach: Classify the information regarding the client using one of the person-in-environment approaches (use Biopsychosocial approach). Do a formal write-up of this assessment (1 – 2 pages).
- Strengths and Challenges: Identify some of the key strengths and challenges faced by this adult and whether these are “typical” for a middle-aged adult (1 page).
- Applying Human Development Theory: Identify and apply a key human development theory to help understand a challenge faced by this adult. Remember that a human development theory helps us understand how humans grow and face challenges over the life course. Some example theories include Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development, Attachment theory, Learning theories, and Fowler’s theory (0.5 – 1 page ).
- Sociocultural Theory: Select and apply of one of 4 key sociocultural theories (Culturalism, Feminist, Social Constructionism, Critical Practice Theory) to help understand a challenge faced by this adult ( 0.5 – 1 page).
- Systemic Factors: Describe how this client is impacted by the mechanisms of oppression, including factors such as racism, sexism, classism, and/or microaggressions (2 paragraphs).
Client Voice: [Based on the case study description, what issue do you think the client would say is the most important for both of you to begin working on? If youd like more information about the clients perspective on this, what questions might you consider asking the client to learn more? (1 paragraph)]
- Identify a Target Area for Change: Identify a target area for change that you would recommend a social worker first address with this client, based on your assessment (1-2 paragraphs).