Chs 305 Final Paper Chs 305 Final Paper Peer Eval

Chs 305 Final Paper Chs 305 Final Paper Peer Eval

CHS 305 Final Paper Peer Evaluation

Student providing this critique (Last name, first name):

Name of student whose paper is the subject of this critique: (Last name, first name):

Overview of Peer Evaluation Process:

1. Students upload a COMPLETE draft of the final paper.

2. COMPLETE means every heading from the grading rubric or final paper template is complete AND all in-text APA citations are present AND a fully formatted APA references page is included.

3. Students submitting a COMPLETE paper draft will qualify for this activity. Students submitting an INCOMPLETE paper draft will be DISQUALIFIED from this activity and forfeit the 10 points associated therewith.


5. The instructional team will verify and confirm qualifying and disqualifying students.

6. If you are paired with a disqualified student, you will (a) be re-paired, or (b) receive a critique by an instructional team member.

7. Please use the Final Project Peer Evaluation form on D2L. While not required, you may optionally choose to annotate your colleague’s paper. We will only be grading the peer evaluation form.

8. When you have completed the peer evaluation form, upload it to this discussion thread for your colleague. THEN ALSO UPLOAD IT TO THE DROPBOX FOR GRADING.

9. Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Please post on Ask the Instructor!

Peer Evaluation Instructions:

Students are advised to follow the rubric criteria AND should refer to the CHS 305 Template Final Project Paper to ensure you are including the relevant and required components. Feedback should be specific and guide the author in the revision process. For example, “nice job” does not indicate, specifically, what the area of strength is. Just as “couldn’t find anything to change” doesn’t guide the author as to how to strengthen that section of the paper.

All fields in the table are to be completed. Feel free to modify the format of this table to best suit your needs.



(90 – 100%)

Areas of Strength

(phrases, bullet points OK)

Areas to Improve

(phrases, bullet points OK)


Summary of interview or video experience (5 points)

Section is clear and well-thought out and conveys setting and care provider

Nature of suffering encountered (10 points)

Description (defining and

What frames, classifications, or types of suffering did you observe and/or experience?

linking types of suffering) is clear and robust in breadth and depth, relates to course content with relevant citations

Attempts to alleviate suffering encountered (10 points)

By what means does this organization and the people who work/volunteer there go about relieving suffering?

Description is clear and robust in breadth and depth, relates to course content with relevant citations

Resolution of suffering

(status/results of dilemma resolution) (10 points)

How effective is your organization at mitigating or addressing the suffering? What facts, figures, and data substantiate their effectiveness? What is your observation and experience regarding the resolution of suffering?

Description is clear and robust in breadth and depth, relates to course content with relevant citations

Critical reflection of setting, interaction/social distance with care professional, how pictures (if used) do justice to the meanings of suffering (10 points)

Describe the characteristics of social interactions between the care provider and those who suffer, linking what you observed or experience to course content (for example, Watson’s Theory of Human Caring, the Need to Belong Theory, Maslow’s etc.).

Insightful, descriptive and well-thought out utilizing critical thinking and application of course content, appropriate citations

Discuss motivations and emotional strategies of care professional(s)

(10 points)

Clear, concise discussion of strategies with relevance to course content, appropriate

What motivational characteristics, theory, emotional intelligence, or self-care/compassion fatigue did you observe or can you infer? Be CERTAIN to link to course content.


Transcending Suffering: discuss what evidence or indications exist that transcendence of suffering is occurring and what you would recommend to assist in this process (10 points)

Define Morse & Penrod’s (1999) model and cite. What observations or insights can you infer with respect to the cyclic relationship among concepts from Morse & Penrod’s (1999) model depicting the phases toward the reformulated self (M5L1)? What evidence or indications did you find that suffering is being transcended?

Insightful, descriptive and well-thought out utilizing critical thinking and application of course content, appropriate citations

Conclusion, your opinions, reflections (5 points)

Summarize your experience, paying particular attention as to how it relates to course content. How will you apply this experience in your future role? In your personal life? What are the ‘take home’ messages that you would like the reader to know?

Demonstrates application of course content to volunteer experience, disseminates same in scholarly manner

References, APA formatting, uses template provided for paper headings and discussion (5 points)

uses minimum of 6 references (no more than 2 were lecture power points), cited properly with separate reference page