Book Evaluation Revolutionary Mothers

You will be required to write one major book evaluation for this course. Writing a book evaluation is a different task than writing a book review. While a book review is simply a retelling of the main points of the assigned book, an evaluation requires you to step into the shoes of a 

historian and analyze the work of the author. One of the critical skills one should develop in their lifetime is the skill of being able to dissect 
something that has been written and presented as factual. How does one know that the author has done due diligence to present accurate 
information? What components are necessary to indicate to a reader that the author has considered all aspects of a story or an event? How do you the reader understand bias in the authors writing? These are critical skills.One important aspect of a book evaluation is its brevity and 
concise writing. The book evaluation should be written in an essay format and include specific sections of analysis. The following information 
will be required for writing a book evaluation for this course: