Journal Discovery

1.      Describe the journal and the focus of the journal. 2.      Describe at least three different types or categories of articles published within the issue of the journal. Examples of article types are research, concept analysis, systematic reviews of the literature, clinical guidelines for practice. 3.      Describe three topics or challenges discussed in the selected current issue.  4.      Describe at […]

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Education/Special Education

Accommodations and Modifications Scenarios   Directions: Read the information about each student. Using the course readings about accommodations and modifications, decide whether or not the teacher has provided an accommodation or modification. Then provide 2 other accommodations or modifications that might help each student. 1. Susie has an intellectual disability. She is placed in a

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Abortion Law Exercise

This application assignment affords you an opportunity to explore various laws governing the provision of abortion services. Roe v Wade is the Supreme Courts ruling that, within certain guidelines, women can make decisions regarding how their pregnancies will end. However, states may regulate the conditions under which an abortion is performed. Read Chapters 16 and

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Research/Article Critique

Oh, J., Cho, D., & Lim, D. H. (2018). Authentic leadership and work engagement: The mediating effect of practicing core values. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 39(2), 276-290.  An Outline for Research Critiques Criterion #1. Presentation of the research a.     Is the purpose of the article clearly stated? b.     Are the research questions, research objectives and/or

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Shareholder Analysis

Continue your work with the company you selected in Wk 2. Research your company’s financial reports for 2017. Complete a 2- to 3-page FAQ/Shareholder Analysis. Evaluate economic conditions that influence company performance. Consider political, environmental, currency (money), global economics, and government influences on economic conditions. Compare market conditions with the company’s performance for 2017. Conclude

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Video Report #2: Fed Chairman Jerome Powell Interview

You are required to use Microsoft Word to create a video report of no less than 2 pages and no more than 3 pages, using single-spaced 12-point font. The report should be formatted using either a traditional outline or bullet points with short sentences. Reports not meeting the length and/or format specifications will be subject to point reductions. Your report should

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Identify one specific, current, live strategic leader who has been recently discussed in the media. Briefly state, using adequate references,

Identify one specific, current, live strategic leader who has been recently discussed in the media. Briefly state, using adequate references, who this person is, whichorganisation this individual represents and the reason why this person was identified in the media – this individual can be from anywhere in the world, preferably within the last 12 months.

Identify one specific, current, live strategic leader who has been recently discussed in the media. Briefly state, using adequate references, Read More »

child labor

This discussion board takes a look at how employee rights different among countries and age groups. This topic covers child and forced labor laws and the efforts to decrease child laborers. 350- word minimum response (inclusive of all questions)No response to a peer required According to the International Labour Organization, as of 2002 over 246 million children between

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quick write 4

watch the links then answer the question 1. 2. 3. 4. Write (100-300 words)about an experience you had where the ends did not justify the means. What was the desirable result? What was done to achieve it? Why was the process to get the results, corrupt the results?

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End-of-Life Exercise

This assessment provides an opportunity to review various end-of-life concepts including preservation of life with limits, euthanasia, advance directives, futility of treatment, withholding and withdrawal of treatment, and do-not-resuscitate orders.   Read Chapter 17 in the Pozgar textbook Review the website regarding . As you read, apply information in Chapter 17 of the textbook to the

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