
All instructions should be in the essay exam PDF. Supplied is the promt, writing style guide, and a quizlet with the main ideas. Bonus question included please  Please contact me if any other materials are required  quizlet

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cultural Analysis

(Tiktok is my chosen platform) Why do you watch your chosen platform? What are the positive reasons to use your chosen platform? What are the negative reasons for using your chosen platform? Should there be more restrictions on this platform if so, what restrictions and why? In the current state of our country is this

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Understanding & Describing Your Community-Social Work

Write a 1-2 page paper (cover & works cited not included) describing the community that surrounds Raleigh, NC. Provide an assessment of the current nature and interactions among different racial and economic groups and how are these interactions impact the community’s relationships with other communities. Give special attention to how these implications may have impacted diverse populations and populations-at-risk.

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Law and Ethics in management – 12 to 15 slides

It is on Law and Ethics in management. Two topics are provided to choose from and you have to breakdown the incident for the company and correlate it to an ethical framework. 12-15 slide Power Point in APA format The following resources will also assist your PowerPoint. What is Ethical Dilemma?Checklist of guidelines when

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Ranch protocol

You are to create a ranch. This ranch has pigs, llamas or alpacas, goats or sheep, and cattle. You can do a powerpoint presentation or wrtitten out very punctual.  You should create a ranch name and all of the following information for each of the above species: Feeding Protocols Feed type Supplements/concentrations Minerals Etc Vaccine

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Discussion Post

Prompt: You have now learned a lot about the social institutions of labor, economy, education, and health care, and the social problems related to these institutions. Considering what you have learned, in what ways might capitalism be a better economic system than socialism? On the other hand, in what ways might socialism be a better economic

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Instructions: Write an essay draft of 800-1000 words in which you… Read C. Thi Nguyen’s article "Escape the Echo Chamber" (link to Aeon magazine) (Links to an external site.) or (download as PDF  Download download as PDF). Address the following questions in your essay draft: How does social media lead to a dramatic selection effect? What is the difference

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