In your initial discussion post, please provide your answers in the format below (all questions must be answered): Discuss the role of vitamins and antioxidants in the human body.            your answer to question 1 goes here 2.   Discuss the functions and sources of antioxidant micronutrients, phytochemicals, and antioxidant minerals.   […]


journal 6

Write about an ethical challenge you have faced, in sufficient length to explain the situation. Analyze the choices you made according to SEVERAL of the different ethical perspectives offered in this week’s reading – either in the book or the extra readings (e.g. Utilitarianism, Virtue Ethics, Altruism, Kant’s Categorical Imperative, etc). Write 400 words.

journal 6 Read More »

Interview with a Deviant

Due Tuesday, Week 6  you will submit an interview with someone who society might consider a “deviant.” Find someone who would be labeled a deviant who has experienced consequences from that label and interview him or her. Interview the person and write about that person’s subjective point of view. Ask him/her to describe his/her experience for you.

Interview with a Deviant Read More »

Emancipation Debates

In a paper of 750-100 words, answer the following questions: What is Jewish emancipation? Explain this in your OWN words. Note that this is different from other kinds of emancipation in America (such as slavery or civil rights-related issues). What arguments were made both for and against Jewish emancipation? Discuss at least one of each

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Should minors be able to purchase birth control without parental consent? (I don’t agree with this opinion)

Supporting a Claim OVERVIEW Write an argumentative essay using the theories discussed in class. You need to cite one (and only one) outside source in your argument. The minimum length of your text is 1000 words(around three full pages) with an upper maximum of five pages not counting the mandatoryWork Cited page. Format your paper

Should minors be able to purchase birth control without parental consent? (I don’t agree with this opinion) Read More »

Learning Challenge 2

Take one of the following statement and ask what kinds of policies would be helpful to the specific vulnerable populations in them.  Just choose one and talk about the statement and what type of policies do you feel should be put in place.  Think outside of the box when you are doing this exercise (plenty

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Does money buy happiness? Provide two ways money appears to decrease happiness and also two ways money appears to increase happiness. Provide research support for each point.

Does money buy happiness? Provide two ways money appears to decrease happiness and also two ways money appears to increase happiness. Provide research support for each point. 

Does money buy happiness? Provide two ways money appears to decrease happiness and also two ways money appears to increase happiness. Provide research support for each point. Read More »