discussion post

Explain the difference between a Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system and a Records Management System (RMS). Be specific in referencing the types of data each store. Which one do you think is more important for crime analysis and why? Be sure to include citations from the readings using APA formatting. 300 words initial post (2) […]

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Ecosystem of Memory Draft

In his Guernica interview, Ken Liu offers, “In order to build a sustainable technological culture, we have to learn how we can function similarly as self-sustaining systems in nature.” Yet, sustainability requires more than imagination. It relies on memory, as well. Liu writes in “Bookmaking Habits of Select Species”: Time devours all. Yet every species

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Federal minimum wage

“If the federal minimum wage is raised gradually to $15-per-hour by 2020, the employment rate for low-wage U.S. workers will be substantially lower than it would under the status quo.” Create a 3-4 page paper in which you indicate your agreement or disagreement with the statement above. You must support your position withreference to economics

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Discussion Prompt: This module’s focus is on thesis statements and the discussion about Amy Chua’s idea of Eastern parenting that she refers to as “Tiger Mom” parenting. Her stance caused a lot of controversy when it was first released. As you read the various reading assignments and watched the video about Tiger, Lion, and Dolphin, parenting, you

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Critical Path Theory

Please review the following video on Critical Path Theory. https://youtu.be/-TDh-5n90vk  Describe the purpose of using Critical Path Theory.  How can this help businesses improve their processes. Describe a project that you do on a regular business that would benefit from this model. Exercise Instructions:  You are required to submit a 2-Page (Title Page and Content Page),

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Illustration Paragraph Final Draft Template

Overview Once you have completed the paragraph prewriting templates for each of the paragraph assignments, you will write a final draft that includes all of your edits and revisions in published form without any highlights, corrections, etc. showing.  You are encouraged to use instructor feedback from the Illustration Paragraph Prewriting Template Assignment to make final changes before submitting

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Mock Interview

Using an actual job listing from a company in your area of interest, you will create a job application letter and a resume. For the assignment, you will choose where you will apply, conduct minimal research regarding your target company, and analyze your own capabilities and assets. Then you will write a letter of application

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Understanding Memory Loss

Select a movie that has featured a character with memory loss. Describe the main features of the impairment exhibited by the movie character. Engage your critical thinking skills. How accurately is memory loss featured in the selected movie? Specifically, does the memory loss in the movie resemble actual cases? Is appropriate terminology used? Is the

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1) Compare what Santiago is going through now, with what you or someone in your current situation who is about to embark on a life- changing journey. Elaborate on the choices made and why it was made (the book the alchemist)

I have a rough sketch , and since its pretty personal we can hop on a call and discuss it together  Right now, as a high school student about to make a life-changing decision. The struggle that Santiago goes through at the start of the book rings quite a few bells. I think almost everybody

1) Compare what Santiago is going through now, with what you or someone in your current situation who is about to embark on a life- changing journey. Elaborate on the choices made and why it was made (the book the alchemist) Read More »

Sally, a nurse for community mental health is caring for 3 clients today. First, she meets Sam. Sam has been admitted to a psychiatric unit with a diagnosis of psychosis and schizophrenia.

Sally, a nurse for community mental health is caring for 3 clients today. First, she meets Sam. Sam has been admitted to a psychiatric unit with a diagnosis of psychosis and schizophrenia. Sally provides Sam with appropriate interventions to help stabilize his condition, monitors his compliance with medication and conducts therapy sessions.  1. Sally is

Sally, a nurse for community mental health is caring for 3 clients today. First, she meets Sam. Sam has been admitted to a psychiatric unit with a diagnosis of psychosis and schizophrenia. Read More »