Week 5 Discussion

Synergy An effective leader utilizes many different skills to influence and lead subordinates. Although each leader may place more emphasis on some skills than on others, certain core skills are the foundation of effective leadership. Exceptional communication skills are among these core skills. The leader must be able to portray a clear and concise message […]

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Compare the historical processes involved in the spread of Christianity and Islam in Africa. If you choose to write an essay, it should be 10-12 pages (excluding the cover page and bibliography), double spaced, with 1-inch margin all round, done in a 12-point font. You are to use a minimum of 5 refereed sources; use

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Using the website https://www.forbes.com/careers (Links to an external site.) or https://www.wsj.com (Links to an external site.) and select an article that you find interesting to read. Be sure to find a career journal.

Using the website https://www.forbes.com/careers (Links to an external site.) or https://www.wsj.com  (Links to an external site.)  and select an article that you find interesting to read.   Be sure to find a career journal. On the discussion board, briefly share why you selected the article, what you learned, and how you will use the information in your career planning.  Be sure

Using the website https://www.forbes.com/careers (Links to an external site.) or https://www.wsj.com (Links to an external site.) and select an article that you find interesting to read. Be sure to find a career journal. Read More »


5 full pages minimum + a work cited pages, 12 pt. font, double-spaced, following MLA formatting style. Worth 40%   For your final paper, choose 2 of the following short films by the Wapikoni Mobile project: Marie-Eve Aster (Innu): The Encounter https://www.nfb.ca/film/netshishkatutau_the_encounter/ Real Jr. Leblanc (Innu): Uprooted Generation.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgbjOiUg1g4&t=3s Craig Commanda (Anishinaabe): The Weight. Kevin Papatie (Anishnaabe), The Amendment.  Gloria Morgan (Secwpemc) Auntie’s hands: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhbQowf8VBM Write a

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This essay involves a current affairs analysis in religion: looking at a contemporary issue of religion and/in society. Essentially, it involves these basic components: 1) choose a recent (ideally from the last 10-15 years) example of religion in society in the news – any example, big or small, in any society; 2) analyze it (i.e., explain it beyond surface-level

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Reflection paper

Review the chapter Slides. 1 page, 12 font, Time new Roman No other sources are needed 1. List at least three things that you learn from this module. 2. What seemed important in this module and why did it seem important? 3. How can you incorporate any new understanding or skills you learn from this module

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Revival of covid er

After a long dormancy in this Covid era, our lives seem to be taking off for a fresh start. Vaccination is speeding up, people are mostly cautious in their interactions with less handshakes and kisses, and despite ups and downs in new cases and deaths, signs for revival are getting more visible every passing day.

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Dynamic Systems essay

Dynamic systems is a contemporary theory that is commonly used to explain motor development.Choose one aspect of the theory (e.g. attractors) and explain how it is observed and/or explains a part ofmotor development (e.g. crawling). Use specific examples to support your position. All assignments are to be 3‐4 pages (3 full page minimum, 4 page

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compare and contrast

Compare and contrast Aristotle’s and John Locke’s ideals of citizenship. How do these differing ideals of citizenship reflect different ideas about human flourishing—about what makes a good life? Whose vision of citizenship is more convincing, and why? Substantiate your answer with textual evidence. Feel free to draw on the Benjamin Constant reading in elaborating your

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