Discussion Post

Discussion Questions: How does labeling theory explain the self-destruction ideology we see in urban youth today? What role does labeling theory play in social stratification (classification of persons into groups based on shared socio-economic conditions). As social workers, what direct and tangible changes can be made immediately to begin under the oppressive state of these

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Chart pharmacology

The instructions are included in the files attached MAKE A CHART Make each drug class into a CHART follow IMG_0904 file template chart I Class II -propranolol, Esmolol, Other clinically utilized receptor antagonist chart 2 Class III – bretylium, Amiodarone, Dronedarone, sotalol, ibutilide, dofetilide,   chart 3 Class IV – verapamil, diltiazem chart V – other

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Discrimination and Harassment Case Study

Assignment 2: A Case Study This assignment allows you to demonstrate mastery of the following course outcomes: Analyze employment related laws, and ethical considerations  their application, and implications in the workplace  Evaluate rights, obligations, and liabilities in the employment process and relationship. Evaluate compliance with current laws and regulations related to safety and fairness in

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write an ethics proposal for a psychology research idea that will be submitted to the Human Research Ethics committee.

You are required to write an ethics proposal for a research idea that will be submittedto the University’s Human Research Ethics committee. You will need to use the EthicsProposal Template document to complete this assignment task. This templateindicates the information required in your proposal along with the word limit for eachsection.You can choose to write

write an ethics proposal for a psychology research idea that will be submitted to the Human Research Ethics committee. Read More »


Analyze a sample network diagram from a vendor Web site for a network protection technology, like an IDS/IPS. Students should focus on detecting the fundamental assumptions needed to implement the technology vendors solution, such as, their tool only functions inline or out of band, etc. Here are a few sources to help you get started:

IDS/IPS. Read More »

Annotated Bibliography

Create an Annotated Bibliography.  It should contain an Introduction paragraph with the research question, topic, goals, and aims of the research, followed by at least 3 sources cited using APA or your preferred style guide; *please note the style guide you are using.  Each source should have an annotation which summarizes what the article is

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Kants theory faces the problem of conflicting duties. Consider these two duties : never tell a lie and avoid harming someone. What if telling the truth were to harm someone? How might we best respond to this conflict. Give reasons to support your answer.

There are 5 boxesbelow. The one titled “Main Argument” is for you to present your mainargument in response to the question. The one titled “Rebuttal” isfor you to present a possible rebuttal to the main argument you presented. Thefinal one, titled “Counter-Argument” is for you to present acounter-argument to the rebuttal that will serve to

Kants theory faces the problem of conflicting duties. Consider these two duties : never tell a lie and avoid harming someone. What if telling the truth were to harm someone? How might we best respond to this conflict. Give reasons to support your answer. Read More »

Scenario Your boss is Marilyn, Chief of Administration, and you are her assistant. You both work for a small, local manufacturing company with a production facility and office staff on site.

Create a document addressing the case. Choose either letter, memo, or email format and use an appropriate template for the format you have chosen. Remember to use business-writing techniques you learned in class such as writing clear, concise sentences. Also, avoid the jargon and unnecessary words found in many examples of professional writing.      Once you have created your document, exchange it with your proofreading partner to

Scenario Your boss is Marilyn, Chief of Administration, and you are her assistant. You both work for a small, local manufacturing company with a production facility and office staff on site. Read More »