
Question 1: Discuss your motivation and decision to serve, in the military or otherwise. Explain how your unique life experience has influenced your life and your ambitions. What is the most important lesson you have learned? Question 2: Share your academic and career goals. How will you incorporate your experiences into these goals? How will

admission Read More »

Essay 1: Dead Ideas

Assignment Objective Interact with assigned reading and demonstrate skills reviewed in Week 1 module (thesis, topic sentences, logic, argumentation).  Demonstrate your research skills by finding evidence online in Google Scholar to support your points. Required Components Write a 4- 5 page* double-spaced essay with an introduction, conclusion, and body paragraphs with examples and evidence from the reading

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 Choose 1 of the 6 research samples listed in the Required Readings list: Leedy, P. D., & Ormrod, J. E. (2019). Practical research: Planning and design (12th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson. Chapter 8, 9. Mixed Methods Convergent Design Carmack, S. (2014). Making sense of well-being: A mixed-methods study applying sense-making theory to explore the role of communication

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Write a 700-word essay on: An event that would be considered a disaster (forest fire, hurricane, tornado etc.) or terrorist attack (domestic or international) that occurred this year (2022). Write an overview analyzing what happened, detail what lessons were learned (include how to mitigate) and discuss how the event impacted the community.

Disaster Read More »

How does rhetoric–flattery, shame, insults or belittling, fear-mongering, rhetorical appeals (if you choose this be specific: instead of logos, say the character uses reason, logic, or examples)–influence power in Julius Caesar

Explain who is manipulating whom, which rhetorical strategies are used in the persuasion (think mostly in terms of the strategies in bold above rather than rhetorical devices), how exactly these strategies are used, what is the purpose of the manipulation, and whether the manipulation is ultimately successful.You will write a five paragraph (an introduction, three

How does rhetoric–flattery, shame, insults or belittling, fear-mongering, rhetorical appeals (if you choose this be specific: instead of logos, say the character uses reason, logic, or examples)–influence power in Julius Caesar Read More »