Race in the 19th Century

We will be studying race in the 20th and 21st centuries this week. We will also being work on the screencasts for the unit, by selecting primary sources from each week of the unit and writing a draft of the screencast that you will record next week. Learning Objectives Week 4 Gather, interpret, and assess […]

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real world application 6

Prepare a 200-300-word response in which you address the following: Post a video or picture that illustrates a connection between evidence-based strategies in couples counseling to current events. In addition to your video or picture explain the connection and its influence on your interpretation of the weekly content. Please use this citation Gottman, J. M. (1999). The

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Technical Writing

* This assignment has two parts. Effective writing is relatively free of technical errors in grammar, punctuation, sentence structure and usage. Effective communication has clear content, and technical errors can interrupt the flow of ideas as well as affect the credibility of your writing.  To start out this course, this assignment will assess your technical

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organizational adaptation to critical incidents thr private sector, and crisis emergencies

Public Sector Read the Lecture Notes and articles by Wachtendorf (2003) and Drabek & McEntire (2002).  What are the key issues for organizations in dealing with disasters? Private Sector Read the article and view the video about the activities of Walmart during Hurricane Katrina. Describe a few of the key activities of the Walmart Corp.

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Literacy Narrative

In this essay you will share some aspect(s) of your literacy. This piece can focus on one event of your literacy, one pattern in your reading and writing processes, or your entire writing history.                                                                                                  Suggested Topics:   Writing strengths and weaknesses                              Your writing process Your reading process                                                Your worst/best teacher How you write introductions                                       Reading strengths

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Argument essay

Please, write an argumentative essay with a strong thesisstatement and 0% of plagiarism. Please, include one refutation paragraph in theessay. And all the citations should be from the two essays I amsending you.  Thank you in advance. 

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Marketing case study

Read the case "Puma’s #DoYou Movement" found in the back of your textbook. Then do some additional research on the campaign before answering the following questions. In your analysis paper, answer the following questions: How did the social media campaign align with Puma’s brand image? What strategies did Puma’s plan incorporate to build a sense

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Nutrition organ Absorption

There are multiple organs in the human digestive system, and each organ has at least one (but sometimes many) functions. Pick any organ, or accessory organ to learn more about. Consider the five functions of the digestive system, and explain how (or if) each function would be affected if that organ had to be removed.

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Psycho video

You have to watch Pyscho and then answer the following questions with just a few sentences.  1.) The early parts of Psycho encourage the audience to identify with Marion (Janet Leigh). With whom do we identify in the rest of the film? How does Hitchcock encourage this identification?  Does the music support this? 2.) Psycho works

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Article Review 15 ppt slides ( the Supply Chain and Logistics profession)

Instructions for the Article Review Locate a peer-reviewed article (related to the course content) published within the last 12 months in a peer-reviewed journal from the online library, then present at least a 15 (title and reference slides do not count) slide power point presentation assessment comprising of a precise and critical evaluation. Do not

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