Best Solution Get Rewarded Give Your Opinion On A

Best Solution Get Rewarded Give Your Opinion On A

There are couple of responses posted below . Please read both of them and give your opinion on them separately.

Read Response-1 and Response-2 below and give your opinion on both responses separately. your answer should be supported with research unless the question is opinion oriented.. Responses to discussions below should not be “I agree” or “I like the way you stated that.” These responses should again be insightful, offering an opinion or facts based on your research and experiences. The opinion to both responses should be a minimum of 200 words each . See APA criteria for citing resources.

Read the case study “McRoy Aerospace” on page 332 and answer questions 4 and 5 on page 333.


What should Mark have done if Jack still was not able to resolve the problem?

There are many good ideas if Jack fails to find out the right solution. Like he can set an open challenge in organization for other teams and individual designers. That whoever comes up with the best solution get rewarded like getting a leadership position for the entire lifecycle of the plane with some prestige reward tagged with the project. However, Mark can do this same with outsiders like independent designers. It will be something interesting to get their ideas. The level of thinking is different and strong brainstorming. They can link up with Jack and comes up with some collective solution. Otherwise, lastly, I would say they can set a crowdsourcing platform to get the best designer to tackle this issue. Even they can consider the team as well. If they can come up with successful results, then the company gives a reward for that.

Would it make sense for Mark to assign this problem to someone else now, after Jack

could not solve the problem the second time around?

As per the case study, I believe Jack is the best designer McRoy aerospace company got and Mark is very sure and confident about him. So, in the case of Jack fails for the second time. I believe that he will go by all aspects and tried all possible options by using resources available in the organization. So, I would prefer to higher someone from outside of the company rather than someone else from the same company. if we go by that way it won’t work due to the limitation of boundaries within the company. this is a very complex issue and I feel they need a better mind to handle this challenging situation. Mark needs to consult internal and external teams.


Hagemann, V., & Kluge, A. (2017). Complex problem-solving in teams: The impact of collective orientation on team process demands. Frontiers in Psychology, 8.

Kerzner, H. (2013). Project management: A systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.

Nielsen, K., & Randall, R. (2012). The importance of employee participation and perceptions of changes in procedures in a teamworking intervention. Work & Stress, 26(2), 91–111.


4. What should Mark have done if Jack still was not able to resolve the problem?

The problem facing McRoy was how to make a single design mechanism for all the eight doors on the aircraft, which can significantly lower the inventory and maintenance costs and make McRoy an industry leader in life-cycle costing. From this background information, we can see Mark had a very challenging and creative project. To handle a creative project, management should gather multiple individual talents at work (Simon, 2006).

If Jack still was not able to resolve the problem, Mark should have built a team with several talented engineers in his department to solve the problem. Mark should also have considered interacting with other stakeholders in or out of the company to obtain resource and expertise support. Problems are always addressed when people bring their wisdom together, brainstorm, and share different ideas.

5. Would it make sense for Mark to assign this problem to someone else now, after Jack could not solve the problem the second time around?

In my opinion, it would make sense for Mark to assign this problem to someone else if Jack could not solve the problem the second time around. A problem that is difficult for one person might be resolved by another one, because different people have different expertise and abilities.

I recommend that Mark find a person or persons outside his department rather than in his group to work on the problem. Firstly, outside talents may bring ideas that cannot be generated in his group and figure out the creative design mechanism that left Jack baffled twice. Secondly, if he assigned another person in his group to deal with the problem that is not resolved by Jack, Jack’s self-esteem may be deflated, and it would be difficult for Jack to build positive working relationships with that person in the same department.

In a word, I would agree to assign this problem to someone else, but I think a person in Mark’s department would not be a good choice.


Simon, L. (2006). Managing creative projects: An empirical synthesis of activities. International Journal of Project Management, 24(2), 116-126.