Bad Carbohydrate Bad Nutr101 Worksheet

Bad Carbohydrate Bad Nutr101 Worksheet

Carbohydrate Worksheet

  1. What shape are monosaccharides?
  2. What is the general chemical formula for monosaccharides?
  3. List the three monosaccharides and a food source for each.
  4. List the three dissacharides, a food source for each and their components (what two monosaccharides are they made from).
  5. What is an oligosaccharide?
  6. What are the three kinds of polysaccharides?
  7. What is the function of starches in plants? Can we digest starch? What are food sources of starch?
  8. What is glycogen composed of? What does the molecule look like? How much of it do we store? Where is it stored? What is the function of liver glycogen? Muscle glycogen?
  9. What are food sources of fiber? What are the benefits of fiber? Be complete and explain each.
  10. What is the RDA for fiber?
  11. What is the RDA for carbohydrates? What does the average North American consume? Why is there concern about carb intake in North America based on these numbers?
  12. What role does the pancreas play in the digestion of carbohydrates?
  13. What two hormones does the pancreas secrete? When is each secreted? What is the action of each?
  14. Trace carb digestion through the digestive system. List the organ, what enzymes occur there and what happens to the carbohydrate there.
  15. Discuss how monosaccharides are absorbed in the small intestine. Where do they go after they are absorbed? What happens to them at that point (3 things)?
  16. Which of the following is a monosaccharide?
  17. lactose
  18. raffinose
  19. fructose
  20. maltose
  21. Which is a poor source of dietary fiber?
  22. whole-grain oats
  23. fresh blueberries
  24. low fat yogurt
  25. dried lentils
  26. Which is a good source of starch?
  27. citrus fruits
  28. dark, leafy greens
  29. enriched grains
  30. barbequed chicken
  31. What are the symptoms of diabetes. Explain why each would occur.
  32. Why would diverticulitis develop? What is it and what can you do with diet to relieve symptoms?
  33. What is the GI index? How could you use it to guide your carb intake?
  34. How do type I and type II diabetes differ from each other?
  35. What evidence is there that added sugar leads to obesity? How does this happen within the body?
  36. What are the risks of not eating enough carbs?
  37. What are the risks of eating too many carbs?
  38. What are examples of good carbohydrates that you would eat?
  39. What makes a good carbohydrate ‘good’?
  40. What are examples of bad carbs that you might include in your diet? What good carbs could you replace them with?
  41. What makes a bad carbohydrate ‘bad’?


Outline Rubric

Outline Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of criterion

10.0 pts

Outline is clearly written, organized and well supported. Demonstrates reflection on course materials and effort to develop supported responses.

8.0 pts

Outline is on time, clearly written and organized, but needs further development to earn further credit.

7.0 pts

Outline is either late or requires further development or is incomplete.

4.0 pts

Outline is incomplete

0.0 pts

No paper is turned in.

10.0 pts

Total Points: 10.0