Author name: Phillip

Employee behavior

Rrefer to the journal article byHsiung & Yang (2012)   In your own words, provide a summary of the EVLN theory. (1-2 paragraphs)  What were the researchers attempting to research in their study? (1-2 paragraphs)  What methods did they use to conduct their research? (1 paragraph) What were their findings? (1-2 paragraphs) Provide your perspective on […]

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List the risk factors for cerebrovascular accidents and why? What cultures are at higher risk and why? Describe the 0 to 4+ scale for scoring deep tendon reflexes. What would you expect to find in a patient with diabetic peripheral neuropathy?

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A health policy paper

select an existing health policy or a policy initiative and work with an appropriate legislator and/or nursing/administrative leader as a team create and promote change. The student will address the issue in a formal paper or an alternative format such as a power point presentation or a poster. This project is inclusive of the student’s

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Recent Ethic Scandal

Using reliable Internet resources, identify a recent ethics scandal. Then, Discuss the conditions that gave rise to unethical business strategies and behavior and, Provide an overview of the costs resulting from the company’s business ethics failure.

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research paper

Produce a 1800-2000 word, APA style research paper titled: "Policy Website Evaluation: Implications for HUS Service Workers." The paper should analyze 4 websites that focus on a policy issue of relevance to HUS service workers (e.g., mental health, education, poverty, drugs, etc.). Each website will be described and assessed in detail using the CRAAP method  for evaluating

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International Currency Trading

This assignment requires you to write a research paper. The research should be on a topic that is related to International Finance (currency trading). An effective research presentation will synthesize current information contained in news articles while taking the time to relate the articles to this topic in international finance. Paper requirements: * Your paper

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Summary: Please, first watch the video, , and then answer the question below. 1. Let’s say you decide to go all out and buy an HDTV that is 48 inches wide, with a 1920 x 1080 screen resolution! How long would the diagonal 

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Comparative Essay

Students will write a 4-5 page essay comparing the electoral systems of one European  country to the United States. You must use a European country that utilizes a different  electoral system than the United States. Your essay should do all of the following: Describe the electoral systems used in both countries. Discuss the impacts of each electoral system

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business discussion post

Review the material in Chapter 7 of the textbook. Then, go to the discussion forum for Unit 3 and engage in a dialogue with your classmates by answering the following questions: Why do you think a society would address liability for civil wrongs separately from criminal wrongs? Should a wrongdoer be potentially liable both for civil

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