Author name: Phillip


Chapter 2 Discussion Prompt: Our Topic is History of the Atomic Model: 1.0 Several scientist contributed to our presentunderstanding of the atom. Which do you consider mostsignificant? 2.0 How did his experiments show a feature(s) of theatomic model?  3.0 How would you organize a presentation on theexperimental evidence for the atom? (By date, byparticle, alphabetically, etc)

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graphic display as it pertains to some aspect of your vocational pursuit

Develop a paper on a graphic display as it pertains to some aspect of your vocational pursuit.  Integrate supporting research and documentation where appropriate (minimum of 2 scholarly sources).  The paper must be formatted in APA, to include a title and reference page (no abstract necessary).  Develop your ideas in a 1-2 page response, not including your title

graphic display as it pertains to some aspect of your vocational pursuit Read More »

Healthcare policy

Please compare the aims of Institute of Medicine’s Future of Nursing (2011) to the recent National Academy of Medicine’s Future of Nursing (2020)?  What is similar, what is different  - & why have the goals shifted? Please use 2 scholarly peer reviewed sources 

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compare and contrast the European and North American freight transportation systems, globalized trade, and global policy implications

In 2-3 pages (not counting cover and references), compare and contrast the European and North American freight transportation systems, globalized trade, and global policy implications . Lastly, reviewing the future research, what part do you find interesting and why? Submission Instructions: Please attach the assignment in Microsoft Word Format. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

compare and contrast the European and North American freight transportation systems, globalized trade, and global policy implications Read More »

“The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian” has been banned in multiple school districts.

read the book i have linked in the upload files until page 26 and answer the question below.  Make a case for or against banning the book, providing examples from the novel as your support.   please use correct essay structure so thesis body paragraph 1 and 2 and conclusion and good grammar and simple english(no big

“The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian” has been banned in multiple school districts. Read More »

Psychological Disorders of Childhood

**PLEASE USE ATTACHED WORD DOCUMENT TO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS!!!** YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ANSWER NUMBER 10-I WILL DO THAT Use your text to answer these questions. A  Word document template is also attached.   Please submit in question/answer format. 1.    Explain the IQ controversy. 2.    List the main criteria for DSM 5 diagnosis of intellectual disability. 3.    Provide

Psychological Disorders of Childhood Read More »