Article review paper

You should prepare concise(maximum 6 double-spaced typed pages, standard margins and 12-point font size)papers which include four enumerated sections: 1) summary and analysis (e.g.,strengths & weaknesses) of a primary-source empirical article related topersonality psychology that I assign, 2) tie-in between the article I assignand a concept from the assigned reading that we discuss in class, 3)relationship between the article I assign and a recent news story that you findon your own (attach a newspaper clipping to your paper), and 4) some connectionof this topical area to your own life and personal interests. These elementsmust be enumerated in your papers.  


Basically, these papers requireyou to digest a study related to personality psychology and to connect it tothe assigned reading, to current events, and to something about yourself. Feelfree to be creative about how you meet these objectives. I expect these papersto be highly varied, colorful, thoughtful and well written. Make sure to havefun with these papers!   


Your grades for these papers willbe on a 30-point basis: up to six points for each of the four elements, and upto six points for writing (e.g., grammar, flow). These papers are to be nolonger than six double-spaced typed pages of text (12-point font, standardmargins). Be aware that you will be penalized if you exceed the six-page textlimit (or effectively exceed it by using less than double spacing, reducingmargin size or text size, etc.). Papers longer than six pages will receive a50% grade reduction. Late papers will degrade by 10% for each late day(submissions after class time are considered 1 day late).   


StepThree (optional): Please watch this Youtube video to learn more about readingempirical journal articles ( Journal articles are not the same as popularpress articles (e.g., magazine articles). If you have  limited prior experience with reading andreviewing journal articles, you may find it helpful to take a look at theYoutube video that is linked above. That video outlines the major parts of theempirical journal articles and how to effectively direct your attention as youread these types of articles. The following also is another Youtube video thatyou might want to check out: