Applied Philosophy and Ethics: See instructions

  • Week 8: Assignment – Final Paper 

  • You are to choose one of the following scenarios:

    1. Hillary Crump, a longtime politician, wealthy real estate mogul, and reality show figure has just won the general election to be the (first female) President of the United States. In her first news interview, President Crump is asked to explain her success in business and as a television celebrity, despite several financial setbacks and her capacity to stir up controversy. Mustering all the political sagacity she can, Crump confidently says: Well I am glad you asked me that question, because the Crump name stands for success. Heres my key: I play by the laws to maximize my profits, ratings, and political fame. I always follow the laws of the land and use them to my political advantage, which means I do not cheat people and always pay my taxes; I also know how to play to the media in an interesting, if controversial, way –  if you slam me, Ill slam back twice as hard! Thats good entertainment business sense: you cannot be successful in the entertainment business by being a cheat or a bore or a loser. What would be a Kantians critical response to President Crumps answer? How would either a utilitarian or a virtue ethicist respond (choose one)? Explain. Would you say she was being moral? Why or why not?


    1. Flash-forward into the not-so-distant future and the United States has developed into a corporate info-tainment state, a military juggernaut with an insatiable appetite for titillating celebrity, scandalous sexcapades, and the bottom line of maximizing the profit-margin, compelled by a carnival of violence numbed by big-pharma. At the center of this society is a bloodsport THUNDERDOOM wherein societys wretched compete for big prizes and heroic fame/infamy. The lowest of the low classes usually compete, though not always, as a fair amount from the disenchanted middle classes and a few upper strata enter the arena. Nonetheless, far and away the vast majority of competitors are drawn from our prison system in order to gain a life reboot, glory, and possibly freedom and wealth. Felons of all sorts, undocumented immigrants, the very poor, and yes, the bored and intrigued, enter into a sport of pitched battles where teams compete and strategize to defeat one another. Combat is often to the death. It is easily the highest rated sport, far outstripping MLB, NASCAR, the NBA, and NFL combined. Late night talk shows interview contestants; Morning shows cover the stats; News programs follow events and update the public. How would a Kantian argue for a deontological critique of such an institution as THUNDERDOOM? Explain. What of the virtue approach to ethics? How do you judge the morality of is sport as cultural phenomenon? Explain.

    FORM: Your paper should include:

    1. a formal introductory paragraph, wherein you list the moves you intend to make in the paper and present your thesis that states your moral position on the topic chosen;
    2. a body that lays out the moves in a clear, coherent, and succinct manner, and;
    3. a concluding paragraph summarizing your thoughts and posing possibilities/questions for further investigation.

    CONTENT: Your topical analysis must:

    1. clearly define and describe just your chosen topic;
    2. locate and explain precisely what the moral problem is for your topic;
    3. adopt one ethical approach/theory (utilitarianism, deontology, etc) to address your topic;
    4. adopt a second contrasting ethical theory to address your topic;
    5. provide your own emerging perspective to ethically redressing the issue.

    The paper should be at least four full pages, but no more than six pages in length, use Times New Roman 12-point font, be double spaced, with pagination in upper right hand corner. You must use parenthetical notations that include authors surname and page number(s).


    • Due: Monday, 11:59 pm PT
    • Length: no more than 3 pages
    • Format: Times New Roman 12-point font, be double spaced, with pagination in upper right hand corner
    • References: parenthetical notations that include authors surname and page number(s).

    See USU Written Assignment Grading Rubric – UG for additional details and point weighting.