An essay on Canadian Government and politics


Assignment 4 is a formal research essay on a relevant course topic in your area of interest (please refer to Assignment 3 for the list of topics). You are required to conduct library research and draw on recent journal, magazine, and newspaper articles and books. This research should include online material and regular library research. While online resources alone are insufficient for this assignment, you are encouraged to use the online journal database available from the Athabasca University Library. Online materials not obtained from the database should be cleared with your tutor to ensure that it is appropriate source material for the assignment.

Develop a coherent and concise argument, using examples to support your position. Your essay will be assessed according to the following criteria:

Clarity of your thesis and supporting evidence
Quality of the argumentation and writing (i.e., grammar, spelling, paragraphing)
Strength, depth, and breadth of the evidence you assemble to defend your position
Your facility with key terms, concepts, and vocabulary
Your ability to address opposing points of view
Use of a standard form of academic documentation (e.g., bibliography, footnotes, endnotes)

Unit 13: Civil Society: Interest Groups, Social Movements, and the Voluntary Sector
Unit 13 identifies the major issues and problems associated with interest groups in our system of democratic governance. It also looks at broader social movements as well as specific nongovernmental and nonprofit organizations in the voluntary sector in order to appraise both their inputs into the political system and their effects on Canadian democracy.

eText: Cochrane, C., Blidook, K., & Dyck, R. (2017). Canadian politics: Critical approaches (8th ed.). Nelson.External tool