American history

Part I:


Please explain what Social Darwinism is and why it is important. Your response must be a minimum of 4 sentences long. 


Please explain what Peace Policy is and why it is important. Your response must be a minimum of 4 sentences long. 


Please explain what the Spanish American War was and why it is important. Your response must be a minimum of 4 sentences long. 


Please explain what Eugenics was and why it is important. Your response must be a minimum of 4 sentences long. 


Please explain what the 1924 immigration act was and why it is important. Your response must be a minimum of 4 sentences long. 




Part II: Short Answer Essay

Please select one of the following essay prompts to answer. Your short answer essay should answer all aspects of the prompt and draw in specific examples from the course content (readings and lecture; no outside sources). Your response should be a minimum of 4 paragraphs (longer is fine, but it should be at least 4 paragraphs). 


1) The transcontinental railroad and western expansion were symbols of American progress and triumph after the Civil War. However, these things also produced negative outcomes in addition to progress. Please explain the pros and cons to western expansion and the transcontinental railroad.


2) How did American imperialism expand at the turn of the century? What were the arguments for expansion, and against expansion? Give examples of each side.


3) The 1920s were a period of expanding and constricting freedoms. How did social freedoms expand in the 1920s? What kind of reactions did those expanded social freedoms elicit? Please provide 2 examples of expanding social freedoms and 1 example of a reaction.



The exam consists of 2 parts: IDs and a short answer essay. There will be 5 IDs and 1 essay. The exam is open note, open book. You may use any and all materials assigned in class, including the textbook, lecture videos, and PowerPoint slides. However, use of outside sources (Google, Wikipedia, etc) is prohibited. Please only use class sources.

If you use direct quotes or paraphrase from the readings and lectures, please cite your sources. Parenthetical citation is fine. Citation examples: (lecture 1, week 4) (American Yawp, chapter 17). Do not copy and paste from the PowerPoint slides–this is plagiarism. Your answers must contain your original writing.