Alternative solution paper

Course Learning Objectives Addressed:

Distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate management strategies in the public sector (MPA Program Objective #4)
The Alternative Solutions assignment is designed to afford students the opportunity to develop three reasonable alternatives to addressing the issue identified in the background paper. Students will develop three reasonable solutions to the issue and describe these issues fully in the paper.
Introduction: This assignment requires the development of three (3) possible solutions to address the issue or problem that you identified in your background paper. The paper should thoroughly describe each of the three solutions. You will not advocate a solution at this time.  
Assignment: Please identify and discuss three (3) possible solutions to the issue or problem that you used in your background paper. In your discussion, please address the following:
Alternative Identification: What is the solution and how will it solve the problem or address the issue? What specific steps would be taken in this solution?
Actor Involvement: Who would be involved in developing and implementing this solution? What roles would each individual or group play? How would you get the agreement and buy in of each of these actors?
Implementation: How easy or difficult would it be to actually implement this solution?
Format: This paper is brief by design. It should be no more than ten (10) pages and succinctly address the three requirements listed above. The paper should include a title page and reference sheet (if you are using any external resources). The paper should also be formatted according to APA 7th Edition style requirements. The emphasis is on quality over quantity so please proofread the paper very carefully prior to submission.
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