Alleged Perpetrator Parkland High Can A Person Be

Alleged Perpetrator Parkland High Can A Person Be

Homework 3: Born Criminal?

Submit Assignment

  • Due Monday by 5pm
  • Points 100
  • Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
  • Available Mar 8 at 5pm – Mar 30 at 5pm 22 days

Can a person be “born criminal?” The biological and psychological theories we have learned about this week argue that this might be the case, but others strongly disagree. Explain how successful the biological and psychological theories from chapter six (chapter five in the seventh addition) apply to ONE the following cases:

  • James Holmes, perpetrator Aurora Movie Theatre Shooting, CO (2012)


  • Nikolas Cruz, alleged perpetrator Parkland High School Shooting, FL (2018)


  • Adam Lanza, perpetrator Sandy Hook School Shooting, Newtown CT (2012)

You will have to research these cases by looking up information online. Make a list of the websites you visit and list them at the end of your paper. Failure to do so will harm your grade for this paper.


Your paper should be split into three distinct parts:

  1. Briefly summarize each the case, focusing on what you have found out about the perpetrator. This part of your paper should be about 1-2 paragraphs. HINT: pay special attention to reports about their mental and physical health.
  2. Briefly outline the theories featured in the chapter to the case and explain how each theory explains the case. Remember; that not all theories work, and explaining why they do not work is also a valuable exercise. This part should be the bulk of your paper. You don’t have to use all the theories, but should mention at least three theories.
  3. In light of what you have learned and thought about in this paper conclude by answering the question “Can a person be “born criminal?” This should be 1 -2 paragraphs.

You will be graded on how you apply the theories to the case you have chosen and how answer the questions posed above.

Be careful not to plagiarize – anyone caught doing so will receive a non-negotiable zero for this paper. You can quote websites (especially when listing information about the perpetrator) by putting quotations around the material you are cutting and pasting and listing the source in the body of the paper.

Your paper should be between 1 page and 3 pages double spaced. If you want to write more please do!

To submit click “submit assignment” at the top right hand side of this page and upload your file. PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT THIS ASSIGNMENT USING A GOOGLE DOC LINK – THEY ARE NOT ACCEPTED IN THIS CLASS! Instead, cut and paste your assignment from Google Docs into a word document, or directly into the text box window to submit.

If you have problems uploading to Canvas, please email me your assignment either attached or cut and pasted into the body of an email (not as a google doc link) BEFORE the deadline to prove you did it on time.

Due: 5pm Sunday March 15th
