Activists Include Ed Roberts Respond To Two Discu

Activists Include Ed Roberts Respond To Two Discu

Respond to the two below statements about social justice for people with disabilities.

1) Activism is one point in which I find to be one of the most important points for providing support to the disabled population. With activism comes more awareness, “Activism refers to the active participation of people with disabilities in visible efforts to address the issues that concern them” (Balcazar and Luna, 2006). Activists include Ed Roberts who is known to some as the pioneer when it comes to his advocacy regarding disabled individuals. He was able to establish the outcome of the independent living movement through his advocacy. Activism provides support to the disabled population because it brings about unity, progression within their community, and ultimately gives the disabled population a voice.

Along with activism comes social work. Social workers continue to assist the disabled community, “Social workers have worked in the disability arena for as long as the profession has existed at the micro and macro levels (Mackelprang, Patchner, DeWeaver, Clute and Sullivan, 2008). The National Association of Social Workers now views disability as diversity as opposed to a medical issue. Social workers provide support to the disabled population by committing to acquire social justice and equality for all.

2) The purpose of the law is to make sure that people with disabilities have the same opportunities and civil rights as everyone around them, this is important because it guarantees that people with disabilities are treated fairly and accommodated when needed. These support systems should be involved in everyday life situations that can and/or may hinder people with disabilities. Throughout this week’s readings I was able to learn about many points that were important for providing support to the disabled population.

The disability rights movement is a global social movement to secure equal opportunities and equal rights for all people with disabilities (Hendriks, A., Liisberg, M., & Kanter, A. 2009).Personal mobility and transportation, performing daily activities and personal assistance, living independently in the community, and access to general services, such as education, justice, and health, among others all are motives pushed for and supported by this group.

Activism refers to the active participation of people with disabilities in visible efforts to address the issues that concern them. (Balcazar, F. & Luna, R. 2006). This method is very effective because it allows groups of people who are dedicated to social justice for disabled people to form together in protest for change, ultimately bringing the attention needed to provoke that change.

Overall, I learned that disability rights are important and needed to protect the millions of people with disabilities in the world