You will be required to develop an opening, management, and financing plan for an entrepreneurial firm.

You will be required to develop an opening, management, and financing plan for an entrepreneurial firm.

You will be required to develop an opening, management, and fi nancing plan for an entrepreneurial fi rm. The fi rm you choose can be at any stage of development: startup, early stage, growth, mature, etc. At the heart of any new venture is an idea for a product or service, and the belief that it is achievable. To begin this project, students need to determine their area of interest from which to create a viable business. A good business plan is essential to leading entrepreneurs to a strong strategy and successful execution of a business endeavor!!!

The plan should be a cohesive, well-written document that analyzes and presents sections such

as the following:

1. Executive Summary

2. Management and Organization

3. Product or Service Plan

4. Marketing Plan

5. Operating and Control Systems

6. Growth Plan

7. Financial Plan

8. Supporting Documents/Appendices

You may find and use Business Plan templates found on theWeb. The following are very good on-

line resources: , and also . Within these two sites, in-


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Answer preview You will be required to develop an opening, management, and financing plan for an entrepreneurial firm.

You will be required to develop an opening, management, and financing plan for an entrepreneurial firm.


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