This essay must reflect what is considered the current “state of the art” systems, reflecting both academic and professional (practical) orientations.

This essay must reflect what is considered the current “state of the art” systems, reflecting both academic and professional (practical) orientations.

A Final Project is due the last class session. The Final Project will contribute 30% to the course grade.

With instructor approval, students will select an organization that either has or is experiencing challenges with its compensation and benefit system. The student will provide a brief historical view of the organization. The student should assess the company’s current challenge, review other organizations that had a similar situation (and the strategy they devised to address the issue), explore theories and strategies that should be contemplated to address the situation, and finally, include a recommendation to management regarding how to address/resolve the situation. Importantly, the student should ensure any recommendations are based on solid research and analysis and reflect a comprehensive solution to the problem.
The Final Paper must include a minimum of eight credible sources (in addition to textbook). Research topics must be reviewed in advance with the instructor.
Writing the Compensation and Benefits Paper
This essay must reflect what is considered the current “state of the art” systems, reflecting both academic and professional (practical) orientations. The Final Paper must be 9-10 double-spaced pages (not including the title and reference pages) and be formatted according to APA style guidelines. This paper may be written in first person. This Final Paper should review the available research, discuss the implications of that research for the topic area, and provide conclusions. The paper should be organized into the following areas (use section headings to organize your key points):

Answer preview This essay must reflect what is considered the current “state of the art” systems, reflecting both academic and professional (practical) orientations.

This essay must reflect what is considered the current state of the art systems reflecting both academic and professional (practical)


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