Complete a search of the Resources area of the Health Care Compliance Association website OR search the internet for a recent fraud case or fraud alert in health care.
Fraud alerts are common practices following federal investigations. Complete a search of the Resources area of the Health Care Compliance Association website OR search the internet for a recent fraud case or fraud alert in health care.
Create a fact sheet or brochure about this fraud case. A fact sheet provides the basic information in an outline format. Feel free to use graphics in a creative manner.
You may choose to use one of the many fact sheet or brochure templates available in your own PC or on the internet. Or create your own using a PowerPoint slide as the base of your visual piece. .
The specific fraud alert (2 points)
What legislation may be violated (3 points)
The organization(s) involved (2 points)
The main points of the fraud (5 points)
Answer preview Complete a search of the Resources area of the Health Care Compliance Association website OR search the internet for a recent fraud case or fraud alert in health care.
655 words