Analyze Innoviva, Inc. and write its segment environmental scan

Analyze Innoviva, Inc. and write its segment environmental scan

The general environment include: demographic; economic; political/legal; sociocultural; technological; global; physical

Demographic segment: Population size; Age structure; Geographic distribution

Economic segment: Inflation rates; Interest rates; Trade deficits or surpluses; Budget deficits or surpluses

Political/Legal segment: Antitrust laws; Taxation laws; Deregulation philosophies

Sociocultural segment: Women in the workforce; Workforce diversity; Attitudes about the quality of work life

Technological segment: Product innovations; Applications of knowledge

Global segment: Important political events; Critical global markets

Physical segment: Energy consumption; Practices used to develop energy sources; Renewable energy efforts; Minimizing a firm’s environmental footprint

Select valuable part to describle and analyze.

Answer preview Analyze Innoviva, Inc. and write its segment environmental scan

Analyze Innoviva, Inc. and write its segment environmental scan


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