Explain why lesson Accommodations and Modifications are as important as IEP Goals

Explain why lesson Accommodations and Modifications are as important as IEP Goals

Accommodations and Modifications for Students with Disabilities (Links to an external site.)


Answer the following questions:

1) Explain why lesson Accommodations and Modifications are as important as IEP Goals ?

2) Making a learning accommodation DOES NOT change the curriculum for the child – Share how it can help the child ?

3) What is the difference between a “Lesson Accommodation” and a “Lesson Modification” ?

4) Share how the use of Assisted Technology can be used to help a child in the classroom ?

5) How can parents help their child at home with academic lessons ?

6) How can parents help with the development of the child’s IEP ?


View Video: Teaching in the Inclusive Classroom: Differentiated Instruction

Teaching in the Inclusive Classroom: Differentiated Instruction (Links to an external site.)


Answer the Following Questions:

1) Define Differentiated Instruction ? (Use 3 references to support your definition)

2) Share three different differentiated strategies used by first year teacher Stephanie Kurr in her classroom at East Middle School ?

3) During your observation of Ms. Kurr’s classroom, share three different things that impressed you about Ms. Stephanie Kurr’s teaching abilities.

4) Explain why student question asking is important to the teacher ?

5) Share why it is important for the teacher to thoroughly explain the lesson expectations to the students.

6) Define Active Listening ?

Answer preview  Explain why lesson Accommodations and Modifications are as important as IEP Goals

Explain why lesson Accommodations and Modifications are as important as IEP Goals

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