Describe how you would teach the hospital employees the rules and regulations regarding HIPAA.

Describe how you would teach the hospital employees the rules and regulations regarding HIPAA.

A. Create a planning, organizing, directing, controlling (PODC) HIPAA training model by doing the following:

1. Describe how you would teach the hospital employees the rules and regulations regarding HIPAA.
a. Identify three appropriate types of PHI that can be shared between staff.
i. Identify where in the facility the information sharing should take place.
ii. Identify three individuals who can use and disclose this information.
b. Describe two penalties associated with breaching patient information.
c. Identify two appropriate ways to secure data from one working shift to another using HIPAA
2. Complete an internal audit plan of all security measures meant to protect health information by doing
the following:
a. Identify which department will oversee the audit.
b. Explain three security practices the audit will review (e.g., PHI sign-out sheets, secured
storage/location of records).
c. Describe three potential changes that can be made within the organization to address the results
of the audit (e.g., additional employee education).
d. Create a risk assessment plan to identify the potential for any future security breaches.
i. Identify how often this assessment plan should be completed.
ii. Identify who will complete this assessment plan.

B. Determine the financial impact of a new EHR system by doing the following:
1. Develop a risks versus benefits summary for the key stakeholders of the hospital to show why an EHR
system should be invested in and implemented.
a. Identify four key decision makers who give input and buy-in.
b. Include two CMS requirements for the new system.
2. List four new hardware components required for the new system.
a. Identify the potential capital dollar investment for the new system.
b. Discuss which of the three EHR systems—Cerner, Meditech, or Epic—would be the best system for
your organization using information in the web links section below and the attached
“Information on EHR Vendors.”
3. Identify three components or applications that will need to be incorporated into the EHR system at
your small critical access hospital.
a. Discuss the key security and privacy components of the EHR system you selected in part B2b.
C. Create an appropriate training plan for all clinical and non-clinical staff by doing the following:
1. Identify the estimated number of total hours required to learn the EHR system for both clinical and
non-clinical staff.
2. Describe the logistics required to train all employees on all shifts by doing the following:
a. Identify how many training sessions would be reasonable for approximately 150 day-shift
b. Identify how many training sessions would be reasonable for approximately 50 night-shift
c. Identify how much the training will cost, assuming an average wage of $21 per hour and a total
training length of 6−10 hours per employee.
d. Develop a training plan for 75 physicians (40 are active medical staff, 35 see patients on a consult
or specialist basis).
i. Design a schedule, using the attached “Proposed Physician Schedule,” that allows all physicians
to learn the new program while also providing adequate coverage for patient care on a 24-
hour basis.

3. Describe a train-the-trainer program you could implement to ensure ongoing support and training of
new employees.
4. Describe a transition plan for employees transitioning from the old EHR system to the new EHR

a. Describe how you will measure whether employees have demonstrated competency with the new
b. Identify the most appropriate time of day and day of the week to initiate the transition.
i. Identify three leaders who should be on-site for the transition period.
ii. Justify why you chose the three leaders in part C4bi.
5. Describe one approach you could use in collaboration with your administration team to reward the
staff for successfully learning and transitioning to a new EHR system.
a. Explain how you would collaborate with your administration team to initiate the approach
described in part C5.

Answer preview Describe how you would teach the hospital employees the rules and regulations regarding HIPAA.

Describe how you would teach the hospital employees the rules and regulations regarding HIPAA.


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