Discuss what percentage of total project schedule time should be spent on those various activities and why you believe that. 

Discuss what percentage of total project schedule time should be spent on those various activities and why you believe that.

In Chapter 3 of the text, Mark Resch discusses key activities that take place in a project.  There
are many that he doesn’t touch on as well.  Think about how much time needs to be spent on
the activities he defined or others of which you are aware.  Discuss what percentage of total
project schedule time should be spent on those various activities and why you believe that.
Note that there are lots of variables that could affect this, but share your thoughts.
2. In Chapter 4 of the text, Mark Resch discusses the development of a business case for a project.
Who do you think needs to be involved in the development of such a case other than the Project
Manager?  What contribution would each of these people bring to the discussion?  Discuss the
relative importance – and influence – of the participants

Answer preview Discuss what percentage of total project schedule time should be spent on those various activities and why you believe that.

Discuss what percentage of total project schedule time should be spent on those various activities and why you believe that. 


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