For the Leadership Paper, I have decided to write about the movie Gladiator.

For the Leadership Paper, I have decided to write about the movie Gladiator.

Maximus in gladiator movie

For the Leadership Paper, I have decided to write about the movie Gladiator. I have broken down main points about the movie, and the role of Maximus.

As a Roman General in Caesar’s Army, Maximus shows two varying types of situational leadership, depending on who he is talking to. When talking to other Roman Generals and Caesar Marcus Aurelius, Maximus tends to take on a Transformational leadership style. When planning strategies and forms of attack, all of the generals and followers work together to come up with various forms of attack. The group collectively have shared decision making power and both the leaders and followers are seen as equals. On the battlefield, however, General Maximus takes on an Authoritarian type of leadership. Rather than going head-on into battle while the soldiers stand there, Maximus delegates plans of attack. These plans are sent down from the leader (Maximus) to the group (soldiers) and the strategy is executed. In both instances of leadership, the fellow leaders and followers had a very strong relationship with each other. General Maximus showed great maturity and skill in situations on the battlefield, and his leadership style didn’t change while in the arena.

MacDonald, L. (Producer), Scott, R. (Director). (2000). Gladiator [Motion Picture]. United States: Dreamworks & Universal Pictures.

Answer preview for the Leadership Paper, I have decided to write about the movie Gladiator.

For the Leadership Paper I have decided to write about the movie Gladiator.


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