Put yourself in the “shoes” of EITHER the prison guard or the prisoner.

Put yourself in the “shoes” of EITHER the prison guard or the prisoner.

This assignment is based on your reading of the Zimbardo study listed in the Explore Section of your module.

Put yourself in the “shoes” of EITHER the prison guard or the prisoner.

How do you think you would have responded?

Would you have done what the other folks in your same role did? Why or why not?

Explore what aspects of your personality or childhood would determine how you would respond.

Your paper should be 1-2 double spaced pages, well-organized, and free of spelling and grammatical errors. Remember, your goal is to demonstrate what you’ve learned, so provide plenty of detail.


Answer preview Put yourself in the “shoes” of EITHER the prison guard or the prisoner.

Put yourself in the "shoes" of EITHER the prison guard or the prisoner.

506 words