What methods will you use?
Initial methods section
Steps!•Introduce your methods• What methods will you use? Start with quantitative, qualitative, or mixed•Define out the method in more detail–be specific about the type of method you are using•Discuss the application of previous work •Why are you using this method? Who has previously used this method? •What’s the connection between your method and the research question?•Present and define your instrument•If you are using a survey, present it here. Interviews? Provide the questions. •If you will use secondary data, explain the secondary data and how it is gathered.
Identify your sample and how you will engage with them• What is your sample? Why are you sampling in that manner? How, when, where, and why?•Discuss analysis• How will you explore your data once it is collected? •What theories support your method analysis?•Address bias and limitations• What bias may be presenst? What limitations exist and why?
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