According to the readings, how can a woman’s life be affected after she becomes a wife

According to the readings, how can a woman’s life be affected after she becomes a wife

As we enter the 20th century, we will experience several breakthrough readings by a few of our women writers. These authors are considered modernist writers who took on the issues and problems of women in this newer time. Women are now enjoying more freedom and opportunities, yet they still have limited options especially compared to men. During this unit, you will be exposed to the famous and familiar idea to kill the “angel in the house”. Think about these words, what they mean, and how they are felt throughout the unit readings. Women are fighting to express their voices in many non-traditional ways. They are battling for positions to be active alive human beings who are fully conscious of the struggle to win basic human rights. Before this point in history, the majority of written representations have been created by men. In this unit, we will see women writers build a different and influential foundation set by the few women authors before them.

List of Readings and Assignments

  • Mary Elizabeth Coleridge, “A Clever Woman” and “Marriage
  • Zora Neale Hurston “Sweat”


Mrs. Dalloway’s story

Hurston and the Harlem Renaissance

LIT 150 Marital Bliss or Miss?

The readings for this week present some strong and even controversial ideas about women and marriage. These readings explore what happens to a woman when she becomes a wife. The accepted view in society is that her life will be better, more fulfilled, enhanced, and comfortable. However, this ideal is not always realistic and true, as the authors contemplate the conditions and restrictions of marriage. For this discussion, share your views on the following questions: In three short paragraphs, be sure to answer the questions in complete, correct, detailed, and well-supported sentences

1. According to the readings, how can a woman’s life be affected after she becomes a wife?

2. How are the lives of married women today similar to those images presented in the readings?

3. How different are the lives of married women now, compared to the female characters in our readings?

Please respond to at least 2 other student with 5-7sentence if you agree or disagree with their post and explain why.

Answer preview According to the readings, how can a woman’s life be affected after she becomes a wife

According to the readings how can a woman's life be affected after she becomes a wife

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