Compare and contrast ethical decision making and social responsibility

Compare and contrast ethical decision making and social responsibility!5kpSHSwS!gc8rJapQoNmabtZk4JDTQT7DczIqSriAH2X4-8-YZZ0


Write a minimum of 100 words to provide thorough answers to each one of the sections below:
1-Compare and contrast ethical decision making and social responsibility?
2-Identify and describe the most common forms of workplace deviance.
3-Explain a company’s four social responsibilities.
4-Are socially responsible companies economically successful? In other words, does it pay to be socially responsible?


Submit a minimum of 50 words per each section below.
1-Based on our textbook, what influences ethical decision making?
2-What steps can managers take to improve ethical decision making?
3-After you post your answers to the above questions (by Thursday evening), read the postings of classmates. Make every effort to select two classmates that have not been responded to by others. Provide each of these classmates at least two additional, thorough and specific ways managers can help improve ethical decision making in organizations.


Copy and paste the URL below in your browser to find the video. If the URL doesn’t work, open YouTube (or and search for the title. Click on the ‘closed caption’ [cc] or ‘subtitle languages’ to select subtitles.

Watch the video and provide thorough and well-developed summary of the main concepts discussed in this video by Professor Cross. (Minimum requirement: 150 words)


Three Myths of Behavior Change – What You Think You Know That You Don’t: Jeni Cross at TEDxCSU (Links to an external site.)

Answer preview Compare and contrast ethical decision making and social responsibility

Compare and contrast ethical decision making and social responsibility


840 words