Research Hereobjectives Describe Minigrant

Research Hereobjectives Describe Minigrant

Assume that you are in charge of the fundraising activities for a student organization on campus — such as PRSSA or a sorority/honor society — that has a message to share with the public about something that might be considered a “literacy” — using the definition of literacy as “competence or knowledge about a subject.” The President of the organization received the RFP below and wants to apply for funds. He/she has asked you to spearhead this effort, which means you can plan the entire grant proposal and prepare the piece for submission including deciding how much money you should ask for.

In no more than 3 pages double-spaced, respond to this RFP from The Comcast Foundation:
Comcast Foundation, a private non-profit, has money to give to communities and organizations that wish to provide literacy services to children, adults, or non-native-English speaking members. Literacy may include a financial, technical, health, exercise, history, or cultural focus or be directed toward learning to read, write, or speak better in public as part of a training initiative. The foundation is very open to supporting college students (this may be helpful if you are going to ask for money to sponsor an intern!). The foundation prefers to fund programs that have a direct effect on learning that leads to better job opportunities and better community involvement from employees.

Proposals for up to $50,000 may be submitted with the following:

Background of the organization asking for the funding
–Describe your organization
–Describe your capacity to deliver on the promises of your proposal (share your successes)

Mission and Vision
–Explain how your mission and vision are a natural fit for the Foundation’s ideas
–Show a connection between what “you do” and what “they want to do”

Need for the Program
— Explain why the idea you have is necessary and should be funded
— Use data and examples — you will need to include some research here

— Describe your program that is being proposed
— Include goals that tie to the purpose (and the need for the program)

— Offer some tangible means for reaching the goal and fulfilling the objectives
— Explain how you will make things happen with this money

Evaluation Methods
— Explain how you will show that you have done what you set out to do

Proposed Budget
— Ask for the amount of money you need and explain, in narrative form, what you will use it for.

Prepare your proposal in a Word document using the headings included in these instructions. Each section should be at least one paragraph with the most focus being on the “Need for the Program” and the “Evaluation” section (as it relates to objectives and strategies).

Be sure to review the sample in the SAMPLES folder for additional guidance.