Exceed 5 Pages Single Business Strategy Analysis
Your assignment is to complete a strategic analysis of the firm. The analysis should be based on research on the company (e.g. annual reports, 10K filings, analyst reports, industry reports, etc) and on its industries and markets (e.g. database searches, industry articles, etc). The library’s Business Source Complete database is an excellent source of information. You should use at least 5 sources in your analysis and cite these sources at the end of the paper. If you use direct quotations or information, please cite the source of information the the text as well using footnotes or endnotes.
The analysis should be 4-5 pages single spaced. You may not exceed 5 pages of text, but you may add exhibits and tables to support the analysis within an appendix The analysis should contain at a minimum the following components:
1. Executive Summary
2. External Analysis, including a careful identification of the technologies and developments that are likely to affect the firm’s long-term competitiveness, and the main opportunities and threats.
3. Internal Analysis, including an assessment of the company’s resource and capability strengths and weaknesses in comparison to competitors.
4. Strategic Positioning, including identification of the firm’s value proposition in its main product lines vis-à-vis rivals.
5. Financial and Operating Performance, including not only broad trend and benchmark analyses of the firm’s performance but identifying metrics pertaining to key aspects of its operation.
6. Diversification and Internationalization Strategy (if appropriate)
7. Disruptive Threats and Entrepreneurial Opportunities that the Firm Needs to Prioritize
8. Overall Strategic Recommendations For Top Management for the Next 3, 5, and 10 Years.
The final text should not exceed 5 pages single spaced, with clearly delineated sections and citations to research that was conducted. It should include both quantitative and qualitative analysis.
The exercise will be evaluated on the following criteria:
1.) Did you use appropriate sources to conduct your research? Does the document have appropriate qualitative and quantitative facts from these sources?
2.) Completeness and depth of strategic analyses, including major components discussed above and in lectures.
3.) Clear and logical strategic plan for the future that builds on analyses of the past and present.
The paper is due at 5pm on Friday, December 13. Please upload it to Canvas.
Please note that you should be careful not to plagiarize from your sources or from papers. The text should be in your own words. All papers will be submitted to turnitin as part of the submission process to check for plagiarism and it is simply not worth the risk, as plagiarism will be treated as a violation of the university Honor Code.
Good luck!