Which hypotheses were supported as per the results of this particular study? Which ones were not supported? Which ones (if any) were not even tested in this particular study?
Note: This alternative extra credit assignment is ONLY for those who did not participate in the study announced in class for extra credit. If you do both the study and this assignment, you will not get double points.
Write a two-page review (12-point Times New Roman font, double spaced) of the assigned article (Geiger & Swim, 2016, click here) and be sure to answer ALL of the following questions. Reviews which fail to answer any of these questions will not receive credit.
What was the topical focus of the article?
What were the main hypotheses that the researchers made?
How many studies were reported in the article?
Answer the following questions for each study covered in the article:
Was the study experimental or nonexperimental? If nonexperimental, which of the categories of studies did it fit into (as discussed in the Media Science section)?
Which hypotheses were supported as per the results of this particular study? Which ones were not supported? Which ones (if any) were not even tested in this particular study?
You can also discuss any topics or points that you found interesting or controversial in the article.
You MUST complete this assignment by 5pm on Sunday, December 8th. Late assignments will not receive credit.
Answer preview Which hypotheses were supported as per the results of this particular study? Which ones were not supported? Which ones (if any) were not even tested in this particular study?
1051 words