Three Value Disciplines Framework Powerpoint Pres

Three Value Disciplines Framework Powerpoint Pres

The deliverable for this milestone is a detailed outline of your research, bullet format is fine. Here is a suggested content guideline:

 Introduction: who is the company, what does it do, company facts, and financials?

 Strategy: what is their strategy focus (foci) using the three value disciplines framework and
why? Will you suggest different focus on their strategy?

 SWOT analysis on IT: what are the IT strength, weakness, opportunities and threats of this

 Value chain: Specify the primary and/or support activities that make up the value chain of your
selected company. Identify how IT is used at critical points along the value chain? For what
purposes? (i.e., to automate a process, to informate the company, or to transform the business,

 IT exemplars and benefits: what are some extraordinary examples of ways that they use IT to
transform business? What do you think has been the primary value(s) realized by the selected
company from its IT?

 Competitors: how do they compare to their competitors/strategic rivals on their use of IT? Do
they have sustainable IT strategy/applications that their competitors cannot easily pick up? Do
they have any vulnerable points in their IT strategy and applications comparing to their

 Recent events and future initiatives: Are there any recent IT happenings in this company? What
are the future IT plans of this company? How do you think these events and future plans will
impact this company or the market?

 Conclusion: Overall, Do you think this company has a successful IT strategy? How do you think
that the company has benefited from IT? Or is there any thing you could suggest to this
Be clear on what you see as the benefits of strategic IT; think about whether this system will always
deliver these benefits (i.e., is there a sustainable strategic advantage?); whether there are any potential
risks. If you have any questions or need any help, please do not hesitate to contact me.