Management Review Organization Science Final Proj

Management Review Organization Science Final Proj

Purpose of Project:

  • Increase your familiarity with library resources by using scholarly journals to research public administration topics, issues, and organizations
  • Gain experience in conducting research
  • Gain experience in writing a research paper and developing a presentation.


The paper is worth 20 points which will be distributed as follows:

Paper = 15 points PowerPoint presentation = 5 points

Paper = 15 Points:

Each student will submit one 10 page integrated paper that includes the sections outlined below.Each section should be identified within the paper.The final document is to be posted to the assignment link in Blackboard.All sections are to be properly labeled and proofread, free from grammatical errors and in APA format. This assignment is due by the end of Week 12.The written assignment and the PowerPoint are to be submitted through the Assignment Link.

Introduction:Provide a brief overview of your topic that provides an entrance into the specific focus of your research. Provide an objective analysis of your focus area comparing and contrasting the similarities and differences in research perspectives? Who are the key players/stakeholders and how are they affected by the research perspectives? Identify the issue(s)/topic(s) importance? Define the managerial approach (execution strategy) using POSDCOORB.

Rationale:Provide an objective outcome of how the implementation of the managerial approach may positively or adversely affect the stakeholders and impact society?Are there any legislative mandates that could impact the implementation?Identify and describe two (2) theories that align with this approach.

Issues:What are the primary issues or problems associated with the implementing this approach?What is the scope of the issue/problem?How are the issues/problems interrelated?What is the current political environment/situation and how does this environment affect the stakeholders?Identify and describe the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOTs) with implementing this approach?

Summary:Based on the facts/information presented, what is the anticipated outcome? What recommendations would you give the chief executive?

PowerPoint presentations = 5 Points = Presentations are to include a section consistent with the sections outlined above.Each section is to include pertinent information in the notes section of the presentation.The presentation should be free of errors, that emphasizes the key aspectsof each section with limited animation.Grade is based on content, quality of information, creativity.

All papers must include a reference page and must conform to APA style.Refer to the writing checklist to verify compliance. A Running Head is not necessary.

Note the format and steps as follows:

The APA style uses a separate reference page at the end of the paper rather than footnotes on each page

Bren, J. (1998). The principles of public management. Management Review, 23 (2), 8-17.

References are listed alphabetically and not numbered.

In the body of the paper, use the last names of the authors.If an author’s name is used in the text, reference as follows: Bren (1998) reported that….However, if you write a sentence or paragraph and included someone’s idea you would reference the author’s last name at the end of the sentence or paragraph (Bren, 1998).Note that the reference is identified at the end of the sentence, enclosed with parentheses, with the period after the parentheses.

Remember you must reference each idea you use from another person or source.

Possible Organizations

Health Care:Health Care Financing Administration, Medi-Cal

Government Agencies:Health & Human Services, Government Accountability Office, Federal Aviation Administration, Government Printing Office, Department of Motor Vehicles, Environmental Protection Agency, Veterans’ Administration, Metropolitan Transit Authority, Employment Development Department, Department of Motor Vehicles, Department of Social Services, Occupational Safety and Health Administration; Food & Drug Administration

Education:California State University System, University of California System, Los Angeles Community Colleges, Los Angeles Unified School District, Charter Schools

Law Enforcement:FBI, California State Department of Corrections, Los Angeles Police Department, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement

Public Utilities:Department of Water and Power, Edison, Southern California Gas Company, Metropolitan Water District

Non-Profit Organizations:American Society of Public Administration, American Red Cross, American Consumer Counseling, Ford Foundation, American Cancer Society, Make-A-Wish Foundation

Possible Policies/Issues

Diversity, Glass Ceiling, Employment Skills and Training Programs, Technology and Employment Effects, Leadership Styles, Ethics, Organizational Culture, Workplace Stress, Position Classification, Performance Measurement, Employee Benefits, Executive Pay and Benefit Packages, Labor Shortages, Job Design, Employee Training Programs, Racial Harassment, Recruitment Practices and Policies, Sexual Harassment, Employee Morale, Dealing with Difficult Employees, Collective Bargaining, Workers’ Compensation, Environmental Health & Safety, Employee Relations, Time Management, Handling Employee Grievances and Complaints, Professional Development, Compensation Practices, and many others.

APA Reference Style:

1. The APA style uses a separate reference page at the end of the paper rather than endnotes or

footnotes on each page. Below is an example of a few reference page citations.

Bren, J.E. 2008. The Principles of Public Management, .Management Review, 23 (2): 8-17.

Dresang, D.L. 2009.Personnel Management in Government Agencies and

Nonprofit Organizations, New York: Pearson Longman.

Pierce, P., & Jordan, M. A. 2005.The Effects of Technology in the Workplace, Public Personnel Administration, 18 (5): 1821-1830.

Williams, J.M. 2010 & Van Dyke, D.L. Ethical Issues in Personnel Administration, Public Administration Research, 3 (2): 178-192.

2.References are listed alphabetically and not numbered.

3.In the body of the paper, use the last names of the authors.If an author’s name is used in the text, reference as follows: Bren (2008) reported that …………However, if you write a sentence or paragraph and included someone’s idea you would reference the author’s last name at the end of the sentence or paragraph (Bren, 2008).Note that the reference is identified at the end of the sentence, enclosed with parentheses, with the period after the parentheses.

4. Remember you must reference each idea you use from another person or source.

5.You must use APA reference format.

Refer to:

Periodicals (peer-reviewed scholarly journals) that are most likely to have articles on your topic:

Public Administration and Policy:

Public Administration Review

Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory

Administration and Society

American Review of Public Administration

Journal of Policy Analysis and Management

State & Local Government Review

Review of Public Personnel Administration


Public Productivity & Management Review

Organization Science

Local Government Studies

Policy Review

Policy Studies Journal

Public Management Review

International Review of Administrative Sciences

International Journal of Public Administration

Public Personnel Management

Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & FinancialManagement

Journal of Budgeting

International Journal of Government Auditing

Public Budgeting and Finance

Public Money & Management

Financial Accountability and Management

International Public Management Journal

Journal of Accounting and Public Policy

Management and Behavior:

Administrative Science Quarterly

Academy of Management Journal

Academy of Management Review

Strategic Management Journal

Journal of Organizational Behavior

Journal of Applied Behavioral Science

Management Science

Political Science:

American Journal of Political Science

American Political Science Review

Journal of Politics

Public Choice

Policy Sciences


MIS Quarterly

Journal of Urban Affairs

Urban Affairs Review

Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis

Journal of Social Policy

Journal of Contingencies & Crisis Mgt

Public Money & Management

Fiscal Studies

Tax Policy and the Economy